
Experts working at WSP have different educational backgrounds. Most of our experts hold Bachelor or Master degrees in Engineering. The most important thing is that you are willing to become an expert in one of the fields of expertise of WSP.
We consider education essential, but skills needed in project work are gained from work experience. Do not forget versatility during your studies and always be ready to learn more, as we are!
Cooperation with educational institutions
Cooperation with educational institutions is one way for professional competence development. By cooperating with schools, we create tight links to future professionals. We provide an opportunity to become familiar with engineering design by visiting our office and sites, we support activities of student organisations and work closely with educational institutions.
We prepare action plans for cooperation with educational institutions in collaboration with student organisations and student associations on a yearly basis. Please contact us if you would like to cooperate with us!
Summer jobs
We offer job opportunities for 2nd and 3rd year students year-round. Furthermore, we offer summer job opportunities for tens of students every year. Many students continue working at WSP while studying and join our team of experts after graduating.
For summer 2022, we hired 20 students of Bachelor and Master degrees in the fields of structural design, infrastructure design, environmental planning and renovation planning in Helsinki, Tampere, Jyväskylä and Oulu.
Internships, thesis and diploma students
WSP helps graduating students to find a topic for their thesis paper and to organise financing. We have about ten thesis paper writers every year.
WSP is involved in careers fairs
You will find us at careers fairs organised all over Finland every year. View upcoming events from the list below. Hope to see you there!
- ENG-Fest, Aalto University
- Urapolkuja, Turku University of Applied Sciences
- Raksan rekrypäivä, HAMK
- RYTI-päivät, Tampere University
- POSURIL Matchmaking, Oulu
- Kira-rekry, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
- Aalto Talent Expo, Aalto University
- Portti työelämään, Tampere Univesity of Applied Sciences
- Pesti-päivät, Oulu University